[j-nsp] Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)
Colton Conor
2018-09-28 13:07:54 UTC
Are there any third party network monitoring systems capable of interacting
with Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)? Many of the third party systems are
SNMP and ICMP based, but we are looking for more real-time metrics. We
could set the SNMP polling to intervals of less than a minute, but I assume
that doesn't work very well and why JTI was released?

I am aware of OpenNTI, but that doesn't seems to be a commercially
supported platform and it is missing the elements of a true NMS from what I
can tell.

This YouTube video mentions Juniper working with partners, they even
mention one, but I can't make out the name at time 11:48. Can anyone

Does anyone know why the entire ACX line does not have Junos Telemetry
Interface (JTI)? Is this a coming feature to the ACX platform?

Besides SNMP, ICMP, and JTI, are there any other protocols that can be used
for networking monitoring and management in Juniper that I am unaware of?
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net
Dave Bell
2018-09-28 13:34:18 UTC
Sounds like SevOne to me (https://www.sevone.com/)
Post by Colton Conor
Are there any third party network monitoring systems capable of interacting
with Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)? Many of the third party systems are
SNMP and ICMP based, but we are looking for more real-time metrics. We
could set the SNMP polling to intervals of less than a minute, but I assume
that doesn't work very well and why JTI was released?
I am aware of OpenNTI, but that doesn't seems to be a commercially
supported platform and it is missing the elements of a true NMS from what I
can tell.
This YouTube video mentions Juniper working with partners, they even
mention one, but I can't make out the name at time 11:48. Can anyone
translate? http://youtu.be/BeprCbmuqLA
Does anyone know why the entire ACX line does not have Junos Telemetry
Interface (JTI)? Is this a coming feature to the ACX platform?
Besides SNMP, ICMP, and JTI, are there any other protocols that can be used
for networking monitoring and management in Juniper that I am unaware of?
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net
Colton Conor
2018-09-28 13:44:30 UTC

Yep, it looks like the video is mentioning SevOne that's them thanks
Post by Dave Bell
Sounds like SevOne to me (https://www.sevone.com/)
Post by Colton Conor
Are there any third party network monitoring systems capable of interacting
with Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)? Many of the third party systems are
SNMP and ICMP based, but we are looking for more real-time metrics. We
could set the SNMP polling to intervals of less than a minute, but I assume
that doesn't work very well and why JTI was released?
I am aware of OpenNTI, but that doesn't seems to be a commercially
supported platform and it is missing the elements of a true NMS from what I
can tell.
This YouTube video mentions Juniper working with partners, they even
mention one, but I can't make out the name at time 11:48. Can anyone
translate? http://youtu.be/BeprCbmuqLA
Does anyone know why the entire ACX line does not have Junos Telemetry
Interface (JTI)? Is this a coming feature to the ACX platform?
Besides SNMP, ICMP, and JTI, are there any other protocols that can be used
for networking monitoring and management in Juniper that I am unaware of?
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net
2018-09-28 14:11:26 UTC
I think Grafana is also capable of receiving this Telemetry info

Maybe someone else can share how to make that work

I’m also wanting to use JTI in ACX, And wondering if that capability is coming soon



Post by Colton Conor
Yep, it looks like the video is mentioning SevOne that's them thanks
Post by Dave Bell
Sounds like SevOne to me (https://www.sevone.com/)
Post by Colton Conor
Are there any third party network monitoring systems capable of interacting
with Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)? Many of the third party systems are
SNMP and ICMP based, but we are looking for more real-time metrics. We
could set the SNMP polling to intervals of less than a minute, but I assume
that doesn't work very well and why JTI was released?
I am aware of OpenNTI, but that doesn't seems to be a commercially
supported platform and it is missing the elements of a true NMS from what I
can tell.
This YouTube video mentions Juniper working with partners, they even
mention one, but I can't make out the name at time 11:48. Can anyone
translate? http://youtu.be/BeprCbmuqLA
Does anyone know why the entire ACX line does not have Junos Telemetry
Interface (JTI)? Is this a coming feature to the ACX platform?
Besides SNMP, ICMP, and JTI, are there any other protocols that can be used
for networking monitoring and management in Juniper that I am unaware of?
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net
Colton Conor
2018-09-28 14:25:27 UTC

Yes, OpenNTI includes Grafana.

Doesn't Grafana require alot of work to get all the sensors setup though?
AKA its not as simple as an SMNP walk with established NMS software

Anyone for Juniper than can comment on the ACX series supporting JTI? An
ACX5048 is hardware wise identical to the QFX5100, and the QFX5100
support's JTI. So it has to be just software right?
Post by Aaron1
I think Grafana is also capable of receiving this Telemetry info
Maybe someone else can share how to make that work
I’m also wanting to use JTI in ACX, And wondering if that capability is coming soon
Yep, it looks like the video is mentioning SevOne that's them thanks
Sounds like SevOne to me (https://www.sevone.com/)
Are there any third party network monitoring systems capable of
with Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)? Many of the third party systems are
SNMP and ICMP based, but we are looking for more real-time metrics. We
could set the SNMP polling to intervals of less than a minute, but I
that doesn't work very well and why JTI was released?
I am aware of OpenNTI, but that doesn't seems to be a commercially
supported platform and it is missing the elements of a true NMS from what
can tell.
This YouTube video mentions Juniper working with partners, they even
mention one, but I can't make out the name at time 11:48. Can anyone
translate? http://youtu.be/BeprCbmuqLA
Does anyone know why the entire ACX line does not have Junos Telemetry
Interface (JTI)? Is this a coming feature to the ACX platform?
Besides SNMP, ICMP, and JTI, are there any other protocols that can be
for networking monitoring and management in Juniper that I am unaware of?
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net
Aaron Gould
2018-10-09 22:02:05 UTC
I’ve been working on getting telemetry analytics data into a Ubuntu server running grafana and other things like influxdb, telegraf, etc, etc… working with a linux engineer coworker. We have seen the MX960 sensor telem data getting sent to the Ubuntu/grafana server using tcpdump and nc (netcat), but unable to get it ingested into the correct data collector mechanism… trying to learn… I understand that the MX960 sends telem data as transport udp or grpc and formatted as gpb or gbp self described, but, again, unable to get it ingested into my Ubuntu/grafana telem collector station.

…we also had put open-nti on the ubuntu server too… we are unsuccessful in getting the open-nti docker image to start.

I read somewhere that if there are ports in use that are also needed for the open-nti docker container (8086, 50000, etc) then docker will fail to start image. Unsure if this is my issue but wouldn’t be surprised if it is, as I believe we’ve loaded items in their native form (grafana , influxdb, etc) and then also open-nti which I understand is a nicely contained package of all those said items…. Which is why we are going to start with a clean slate tomorrow , a new Ubuntu image and only go with open-nti.

Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

I’ll try to circle back and share any successes along the way.


From: Colton Conor [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 9:25 AM
To: Aaron
Cc: ***@geordish.org; Juniper List
Subject: Re: [j-nsp] Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)


Yes, OpenNTI includes Grafana.https://techmocha.blog/2017/06/26/using-opennti-as-a-collector-for-streaming-telemetry-from-juniper-devices-part-1/

Doesn't Grafana require alot of work to get all the sensors setup though? AKA its not as simple as an SMNP walk with established NMS software providers?

Anyone for Juniper than can comment on the ACX series supporting JTI? An ACX5048 is hardware wise identical to the QFX5100, and the QFX5100 support's JTI. So it has to be just software right?

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 9:11 AM Aaron1 <***@gvtc.com> wrote:

I think Grafana is also capable of receiving this Telemetry info

Maybe someone else can share how to make that work

I’m also wanting to use JTI in ACX, And wondering if that capability is coming soon




On Sep 28, 2018, at 8:44 AM, Colton Conor <***@gmail.com> wrote:


Yep, it looks like the video is mentioning SevOne that's them thanks

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 8:34 AM Dave Bell <***@geordish.org> wrote:

Sounds like SevOne to me (https://www.sevone.com/)

On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 at 14:08, Colton Conor <***@gmail.com> wrote:

Are there any third party network monitoring systems capable of


with Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)? Many of the third party systems are

SNMP and ICMP based, but we are looking for more real-time metrics. We

could set the SNMP polling to intervals of less than a minute, but I


that doesn't work very well and why JTI was released?

I am aware of OpenNTI, but that doesn't seems to be a commercially

supported platform and it is missing the elements of a true NMS from what


can tell.

This YouTube video mentions Juniper working with partners, they even

mention one, but I can't make out the name at time 11:48. Can anyone

translate? http://youtu.be/BeprCbmuqLA

Does anyone know why the entire ACX line does not have Junos Telemetry

Interface (JTI)? Is this a coming feature to the ACX platform?

Besides SNMP, ICMP, and JTI, are there any other protocols that can be


for networking monitoring and management in Juniper that I am unaware of?


juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net


juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net

juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net
Aaron Gould
2018-10-11 12:59:15 UTC
Wanted to circle back with y'all... I finally got this working...thanks to techmocha10 (see below) and my linux coworker genius (Dave),

I'll just copy/paste a post I just made...


I got telemetry streaming working using this site ... I have a couple MX960's streaming telemetry to the suite of software provided in this Open-NTI project spoken of on this techmocha blog site. I think my previous problems were related to conflicting installs.... as myself and my coworker had loaded individual items and then the open-nti suite (which i understand is a docker container with all the items like grafana, fluentd, chronograf, influxdb, etc).... anyway, we started with a fresh install Ubunto virtual machine and *only* loaded Open-NTI and it works.

I do not know or understand all of the innerworkings of it at this point, but am quickly learning, even while writing this post... I'm currently using Chronograf hosted at port 8888 and browsing the Data Explorer function and seeing some nice graphs. (I'm wondering if Chrongraf is simply an alternative to Grafana gui front end, unsure) There seems to be tons of items to monitor and analyze, and I'm currently only sending the following sensor resource from the MX960 and there are several more that can be sent.... /junos/system/linecard/interface/

I am sending the telemetry from the MX960 using UDP transport and GPB format to port 50000 and source port 21111 (mx960-1) and 21112 (mx960-2). I'm unsure that I had to use unique source ports... as I wonder if the source-ip would have been sufficient to make the streaming sources unique in the Open-NTI server.

Looking at the techmocha pictures, and the "docker ps" command on the linux server, and now this new-found techmocha link (see "deconstructed" below) apparently FluentD is the TSDB (time series db) that is receiving/ingesting the *Native* streaming form of telemetry from my MX960's on udp port 50000 and looks like fluentd hands off that data to InfluxDB port 8086 (which i think happens internally at that server). (I'm not evening talking about the other form of jti telemetry using openconfig and grpc....I've yet to do that and don't know why I would exactly...which i beleive is ingested using telegraf, unsure)

...the link i followed to deploy open-nti suite....

...interestingly, i just now found this, which apparently is a way of deploying all the components individually...

juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net
Niall Donaghy
2018-10-11 13:02:07 UTC
Fantastic news Aaron!

That tallies with our experience of deploying the 'bundle' version of OpenNTI
for Junos ST.

We look forward to your shared experiences as you kick the tyres and -
hopefully - incorporate this into your NMS/procedures. :)

Many thanks,

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Gould [mailto:***@gvtc.com]
Sent: 11 October 2018 13:59
To: juniper-***@puck.nether.net
Cc: James Burnett <***@geant.org>; Niall Donaghy
<***@geant.org>; 'Colton Conor' <***@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: [j-nsp] Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)

Wanted to circle back with y'all... I finally got this working...thanks to
techmocha10 (see below) and my linux coworker genius (Dave),

I'll just copy/paste a post I just made...


I got telemetry streaming working using this site ... I have a couple MX960's
streaming telemetry to the suite of software provided in this Open-NTI project
spoken of on this techmocha blog site. I think my previous problems were
related to conflicting installs.... as myself and my coworker had loaded
individual items and then the open-nti suite (which i understand is a docker
container with all the items like grafana, fluentd, chronograf, influxdb,
etc).... anyway, we started with a fresh install Ubunto virtual machine and
*only* loaded Open-NTI and it works.

I do not know or understand all of the innerworkings of it at this point, but
am quickly learning, even while writing this post... I'm currently using
Chronograf hosted at port 8888 and browsing the Data Explorer function and
seeing some nice graphs. (I'm wondering if Chrongraf is simply an alternative
to Grafana gui front end, unsure) There seems to be tons of items to monitor
and analyze, and I'm currently only sending the following sensor resource from
the MX960 and there are several more that can be sent....

I am sending the telemetry from the MX960 using UDP transport and GPB format
to port 50000 and source port 21111 (mx960-1) and 21112 (mx960-2). I'm unsure
that I had to use unique source ports... as I wonder if the source-ip would
have been sufficient to make the streaming sources unique in the Open-NTI

Looking at the techmocha pictures, and the "docker ps" command on the linux
server, and now this new-found techmocha link (see "deconstructed" below)
apparently FluentD is the TSDB (time series db) that is receiving/ingesting
the *Native* streaming form of telemetry from my MX960's on udp port 50000 and
looks like fluentd hands off that data to InfluxDB port 8086 (which i think
happens internally at that server). (I'm not evening talking about the other
form of jti telemetry using openconfig and grpc....I've yet to do that and
don't know why I would exactly...which i beleive is ingested using telegraf,

...the link i followed to deploy open-nti suite....

...interestingly, i just now found this, which apparently is a way of
deploying all the components individually...
Tom Beecher
2018-10-11 13:18:34 UTC
Related, my company open sourced a tool we've been working on for network
telemetry at NANOG in Vancouver. I'm 95% sure that a JTI receiver is
functional on our internal builds, but they're still working on a few
things with streaming receivers generally, so it's not yet in the public
repo. May be something that can meet your needs at some point if you wanted
to keep an eye on it.

Post by Niall Donaghy
Fantastic news Aaron!
That tallies with our experience of deploying the 'bundle' version of OpenNTI
for Junos ST.
We look forward to your shared experiences as you kick the tyres and -
hopefully - incorporate this into your NMS/procedures. :)
Many thanks,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 11 October 2018 13:59
Subject: RE: [j-nsp] Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)
Wanted to circle back with y'all... I finally got this working...thanks to
techmocha10 (see below) and my linux coworker genius (Dave),
I'll just copy/paste a post I just made...
I got telemetry streaming working using this site ... I have a couple MX960's
streaming telemetry to the suite of software provided in this Open-NTI project
spoken of on this techmocha blog site. I think my previous problems were
related to conflicting installs.... as myself and my coworker had loaded
individual items and then the open-nti suite (which i understand is a docker
container with all the items like grafana, fluentd, chronograf, influxdb,
etc).... anyway, we started with a fresh install Ubunto virtual machine and
*only* loaded Open-NTI and it works.
I do not know or understand all of the innerworkings of it at this point, but
am quickly learning, even while writing this post... I'm currently using
Chronograf hosted at port 8888 and browsing the Data Explorer function and
seeing some nice graphs. (I'm wondering if Chrongraf is simply an alternative
to Grafana gui front end, unsure) There seems to be tons of items to monitor
and analyze, and I'm currently only sending the following sensor resource from
the MX960 and there are several more that can be sent....
I am sending the telemetry from the MX960 using UDP transport and GPB format
to port 50000 and source port 21111 (mx960-1) and 21112 (mx960-2). I'm unsure
that I had to use unique source ports... as I wonder if the source-ip would
have been sufficient to make the streaming sources unique in the Open-NTI
Looking at the techmocha pictures, and the "docker ps" command on the linux
server, and now this new-found techmocha link (see "deconstructed" below)
apparently FluentD is the TSDB (time series db) that is
the *Native* streaming form of telemetry from my MX960's on udp port 50000 and
looks like fluentd hands off that data to InfluxDB port 8086 (which i think
happens internally at that server). (I'm not evening talking about the other
form of jti telemetry using openconfig and grpc....I've yet to do that and
don't know why I would exactly...which i beleive is ingested using telegraf,
...the link i followed to deploy open-nti suite....
...interestingly, i just now found this, which apparently is a way of
deploying all the components individually...
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net
2018-10-11 17:23:45 UTC
Yes Niall, lets stay in touch.

Thanks Tom, I’ll have to look at Panoptes

Related, my company open sourced a tool we've been working on for network telemetry at NANOG in Vancouver. I'm 95% sure that a JTI receiver is functional on our internal builds, but they're still working on a few things with streaming receivers generally, so it's not yet in the public repo. May be something that can meet your needs at some point if you wanted to keep an eye on it.
Post by Niall Donaghy
Fantastic news Aaron!
That tallies with our experience of deploying the 'bundle' version of OpenNTI
for Junos ST.
We look forward to your shared experiences as you kick the tyres and -
hopefully - incorporate this into your NMS/procedures. :)
Many thanks,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 11 October 2018 13:59
Subject: RE: [j-nsp] Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)
Wanted to circle back with y'all... I finally got this working...thanks to
techmocha10 (see below) and my linux coworker genius (Dave),
I'll just copy/paste a post I just made...
I got telemetry streaming working using this site ... I have a couple MX960's
streaming telemetry to the suite of software provided in this Open-NTI project
spoken of on this techmocha blog site. I think my previous problems were
related to conflicting installs.... as myself and my coworker had loaded
individual items and then the open-nti suite (which i understand is a docker
container with all the items like grafana, fluentd, chronograf, influxdb,
etc).... anyway, we started with a fresh install Ubunto virtual machine and
*only* loaded Open-NTI and it works.
I do not know or understand all of the innerworkings of it at this point, but
am quickly learning, even while writing this post... I'm currently using
Chronograf hosted at port 8888 and browsing the Data Explorer function and
seeing some nice graphs. (I'm wondering if Chrongraf is simply an alternative
to Grafana gui front end, unsure) There seems to be tons of items to monitor
and analyze, and I'm currently only sending the following sensor resource from
the MX960 and there are several more that can be sent....
I am sending the telemetry from the MX960 using UDP transport and GPB format
to port 50000 and source port 21111 (mx960-1) and 21112 (mx960-2). I'm unsure
that I had to use unique source ports... as I wonder if the source-ip would
have been sufficient to make the streaming sources unique in the Open-NTI
Looking at the techmocha pictures, and the "docker ps" command on the linux
server, and now this new-found techmocha link (see "deconstructed" below)
apparently FluentD is the TSDB (time series db) that is receiving/ingesting
the *Native* streaming form of telemetry from my MX960's on udp port 50000 and
looks like fluentd hands off that data to InfluxDB port 8086 (which i think
happens internally at that server). (I'm not evening talking about the other
form of jti telemetry using openconfig and grpc....I've yet to do that and
don't know why I would exactly...which i beleive is ingested using telegraf,
...the link i followed to deploy open-nti suite....
...interestingly, i just now found this, which apparently is a way of
deploying all the components individually...
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net
Colton Conor
2018-11-12 12:47:25 UTC

I wanted to follow up and see how things are going with JTI?

Also, it has been brought to my attention that OpenNMS supports JTI. I was
not aware of that, so I figured I would share with others:
Post by Aaron1
Yes Niall, lets stay in touch.
Thanks Tom, I’ll have to look at Panoptes
Post by Tom Beecher
Related, my company open sourced a tool we've been working on for
network telemetry at NANOG in Vancouver. I'm 95% sure that a JTI receiver
is functional on our internal builds, but they're still working on a few
things with streaming receivers generally, so it's not yet in the public
repo. May be something that can meet your needs at some point if you wanted
to keep an eye on it.
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
Fantastic news Aaron!
That tallies with our experience of deploying the 'bundle' version of
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
for Junos ST.
We look forward to your shared experiences as you kick the tyres and -
hopefully - incorporate this into your NMS/procedures. :)
Many thanks,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 11 October 2018 13:59
Subject: RE: [j-nsp] Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)
Wanted to circle back with y'all... I finally got this working...thanks
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
techmocha10 (see below) and my linux coworker genius (Dave),
I'll just copy/paste a post I just made...
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
I got telemetry streaming working using this site ... I have a couple
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
streaming telemetry to the suite of software provided in this Open-NTI
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
spoken of on this techmocha blog site. I think my previous problems
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
related to conflicting installs.... as myself and my coworker had
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
individual items and then the open-nti suite (which i understand is a
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
container with all the items like grafana, fluentd, chronograf,
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
etc).... anyway, we started with a fresh install Ubunto virtual machine
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
*only* loaded Open-NTI and it works.
I do not know or understand all of the innerworkings of it at this
point, but
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
am quickly learning, even while writing this post... I'm currently
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
Chronograf hosted at port 8888 and browsing the Data Explorer function
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
seeing some nice graphs. (I'm wondering if Chrongraf is simply an
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
to Grafana gui front end, unsure) There seems to be tons of items to
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
and analyze, and I'm currently only sending the following sensor
resource from
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
the MX960 and there are several more that can be sent....
I am sending the telemetry from the MX960 using UDP transport and GPB
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
to port 50000 and source port 21111 (mx960-1) and 21112 (mx960-2). I'm
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
that I had to use unique source ports... as I wonder if the source-ip
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
have been sufficient to make the streaming sources unique in the
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
Looking at the techmocha pictures, and the "docker ps" command on the
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
server, and now this new-found techmocha link (see "deconstructed"
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
apparently FluentD is the TSDB (time series db) that is
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
the *Native* streaming form of telemetry from my MX960's on udp port
50000 and
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
looks like fluentd hands off that data to InfluxDB port 8086 (which i
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
happens internally at that server). (I'm not evening talking about the
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
form of jti telemetry using openconfig and grpc....I've yet to do that
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
don't know why I would exactly...which i beleive is ingested using
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
...the link i followed to deploy open-nti suite....
Post by Tom Beecher
Post by Niall Donaghy
...interestingly, i just now found this, which apparently is a way of
deploying all the components individually...
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-***@puck.nether.net
